Report: May Day Foray (2024)

Photo MayDay 2024

We are excited to report that our Labour Day strike rally and subsequent foray into workplaces in the centre of Nicosia was a success! We want to thank every single fellow worker who defied the scorching heat and the early morning call, and joined us in our first solo May Day outing to help make it the magnificent experience it was!

To the musical accompaniment of, among others, Solidarity Forever, There Is Power in a Union and The Factory Funnel (a Greek labour song), hundreds of leaflets were passed out to native and migrant employees forced to work, and conversations were struck up in an effort to establish communication channels as quick as the managements’ reaction to our presence allowed!

Leaflets were also passed out to customers who lacked the class consciousness not to cross the picket line on this symbolic date. We were disappointment, but not surprised, by the fact that these included many members and officers of the major trade unions, who decided that May Day begins and ends with their short self-referential celebratory rally and march… If you are sick of trade unions and “leftists” preaching about labour rights and struggles while ordering their second macchiato freddo espresso jerk-ccino and complaining about it, join the IWW and let’s make every day May Day together!

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